If you are planning to be at your loved one's marker here are a few things to know or do:
1. Meet up with us the day before at the end of day ceremony. (ceremony locations will be posted by day on the state route pages, under full route with links)
2. Determine potential mile location by selecting the Map My Run link by each date.
3. Markers may not be pre-placed and location may be determined each day by the progress we are making.
4. Click on GPS link to find our approximate current location, http://heroes.runforthefallen.org/show-run-location
5. Call us the day before or morning of to let us coordinate with you. 480-495-4668 or 757-576-5403
6. We are following a specific route based upon the map route however timing may vary throughout the day.
7. Follow our prescribed route and find our caravan, we can guide you once we connect with you.
Note to the Families of our Military Fallen
It has been said philosophically that each of us can die twice. One is a physical death and the second is the death that occurs when the last person dies willing or able to speak your name. We stand together as an organization dedicated to speaking out loud each and every hero that has fallen for our freedom. In fulfillment of this mission we have developed the most comprehensive tribute trail ever organized through America's Run for the Fallen. Run for the Fallen continues in a purposeful state by state tribute to recognize each hero in the particular state they were associated with.
Run for the Fallen was organized to honor every fallen service member who died during the period of the War on Terror beginning with the USS Cole on October 12, 2000. Every service member on active duty is included regardless of cause of death. Not only while serving but as a result of serving. Additionally, if your loved one died as a result of physical or emotional scars we honor them as well.
in America's Run we identified over 20,000 names and in order to properly and respectfully call out the name of each one we followed a unique format. Rather than identify each individually in a chronological format we ran for each unique date of death. It allowed for the opportunity to single out individual dates of death, honor multiple heroes at a single mile and bring families together who may not be aware of other loved ones who had died on their anniversary date.
In order to have the most comprehensive listing of our fallen service members we began with online posted casualty lists and partnered with organizations and social networking communities to build a foundational starting point. We took those names and dates of death and created a map across the United States spanning 18 states and 6100 miles. Each date is a unique mile, each mile specifically located.
Beginning with October 12, 2000 as our first date the next mile’s heroes will be the next consecutive date and so on, moving to our present date. This way every singular day we had a military loss will be accounted for.
With America's Run now complete we continue creating individual state runs. If you find that we have a state run in your area you can learn more by clicking on that state's link. There you will find details regarding dates, times and hero location.
However we need everyone’s help in continuing this mission. On our Home page is a link titled “Search for a Hero” when you click on this link you will be able to find if your loved one or friend is listed on a run. If you find them, the mile and date of where they will be honored will be displayed on a map. (check back frequently because miles or days may shift as new names are added)
If however you do not find the name you are looking for, Click on the link “Add a Hero”
At that link you will be able to send us the information to be included.
If the new name added has a similar date of death to one on our current route, they will be added to that existing mile. If not, they will be given their own unique mile.