State Captains
Fill out the Volunteer form at this link.
Our goal is to have Run for the Fallen events established in all 50 states. We need organized, dedicated and committed individuals with a passion for honoring our military fallen heroes. As a volunteer, State Captains would take responsibility for all of the run elements needed for their state. Some of the needed areas are outlined below.
- Organize and lead a state run committee.
- Determine and verify route with state police, DOT and coordinate with all local law enforcement jurisdictions.
- Secure all necessary state and local permits.
- Gather additional runners.
- Secure sponsors.
- Communicate with local and state media.
- Secure supplies needed for the state – stakes, printing, lamination etc
- Organize end of day ceremonies.
For each day depending on number of days in state
- Place hero markers
- Contact Gold Star families.
- Secure overnight accommodations.
- Secure daily meals.
- Secure medical unit for each day.